Mental Health

Foods That Can Affect Your Mental Health Negatively

We often overlook the impact of food on our mental well-being. While we’re concerned about its effects on physical health, such as cardiovascular or gastrointestinal issues, it’s worth noting that certain foods and drinks can worsen anxiety and even contribute to depression. As with anything, moderation is crucial. Therapists and psychiatrists, experts in mental wellness, tend to steer clear of or consume specific foods and beverages in moderation. However, it’s important to remember that occasional consumption of these items doesn’t necessarily lead to adverse mental health outcomes.

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Multiple Cups Of Coffee Or Espresso

Consuming over 250 milligrams of caffeine daily (about 2 1/2 cups) may hurt anxiety. Excessive caffeine can worsen anxiety, causing persistent stress and sleep issues. With its calming compound L-theanine, Matcha can be an excellent alternative for those who experience jitters or anxiety from coffee.

Diet Soda

To protect your mental health this summer, minimize your diet soda intake. These beverages can be worse for your well-being than sugary sodas. They often contain phenylalanine, which disrupts brain chemistry and hinders the production of serotonin and dopamine, crucial for a good mood. Additionally, diet sodas with artificial sweeteners like aspartame may act as neurotoxins, raising stress hormones and increasing free radicals in the brain.

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Although occasional moderate alcohol consumption is generally acceptable, licensed professional counselor Danielle Tucci, founder of Live Better Therapy Solutions, prioritizes her mental health by avoiding alcohol. Tucci points out that despite its association with social occasions, alcohol is a depressant that can result in negative mood states and the phenomenon known as “hangxiety.” Hangxiety refers to the period when the body is recovering from a hangover, accompanied by elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol.


While some sources of sugar, like fruits, have been associated with lower depression symptoms, refined carbohydrates and candy can harm mental health. Licensed clinical social worker Jason Phillips avoids sugary candies like Tootsie Rolls or candy corn. These threats can increase inflammation in the body, which is linked to depression.