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Dentists Reveal The Top Six Foods And Drinks That Harm Your Teeth

Neglecting dental health can have serious consequences. Studies suggest a correlation between oral health, cardiovascular disease, and rheumatoid arthritis. Bacteria in the mouth can lead to disease and affect other body systems, warns Dr. Kim Capehart, Chair of General Dentistry at Augusta University, Georgia. Prioritizing dental care is essential amidst the risks of viral infections and unexpected illnesses.

Tooth pain affects mental health, says Capehart. Avoiding and treating dental issues is essential. Dentists warn that certain foods and drinks are harmful, causing cavities and tooth fractures. Learn which ones to avoid and how to protect your teeth.

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Capehart warns against eating ice, as it can harm teeth. The cold temperature and hardness can cause tooth fractures, especially for sensitive teeth. Chewing ice poses the most significant risk while drinking water with ice is less problematic.

Bread And Crackers

According to Capehart, bread can be sticky and get trapped between teeth, leading to dental issues. As bread breaks down, it transforms into sugar, increasing the risk of cavities. Gastelum points out that crackers pose a similar threat, particularly for children. The carbohydrates in crackers convert into sugar, allowing bacteria to cause tooth damage.

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Soda And Energy Drinks

According to Gastelum, Soda is a well-known detrimental beverage, but its impact on oral health can be surprising. Gastelum explains that sodas can be highly acidic, reaching acidity levels comparable to battery acid. He even mentions a phenomenon called “Mountain Dew mouth,” where chronic Mountain Dew drinkers may experience decay and damage in their mouths, similar to those who use methamphetamine. The corrosive effects of soda on teeth can be alarming.


Coffee, both black and sweetened, is terrible news for your teeth, warns Capehart. Its acidity can lead to damage, and the sugars in sweetened coffee further worsen the situation. Additionally, Capehart notes that coffee is notorious for staining teeth, making it a double whammy for dental health.