
All The Ways Sex Can Do Wonders For Your Skin

It’s rare to think about how great your skin will look after having sex. Having sex, however, has long-term benefits beyond the pleasure it provides. Sexual activity benefits women’s skin health physically and psychologically and can even make them look younger.

Sex has both physical and psychological effects that can benefit skin health for women, in particular, and can even make you look younger. An expert in functional nutrition and women’s hormones, Alisa Vitti, founder, and CEO of Flo Living, explains that “having sex” should be defined first.

Image Credit: Pexels/Ketut Subiyanto

Orgasm and climax are often confused. There is a difference. The climax is the end. According to Vitti, clitoral stimulation, not climax, is the sex that benefits women. Orgasm triggers all the other benefits since it produces nitric oxide and oxytocin, which trigger all the other benefits, Vitti added.

Women benefit from clitoral stimulation during sex. It may even have anti-inflammatory properties when sex is particularly vigorous, boosting blood circulation and bringing nutrients to the skin. Boosting collagen production and balancing hormones is possible with nitric oxide and oxytocin release.

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It even regulates ovulation in women. Healthier skin is associated with restful sleep, higher energy levels, improved memory, and heightened immunity.

Sweat Is Good For Your Hormones

It’s not uncommon for women to be estrogen dominant, leading to breakouts, so sweat it out. A sweaty body can also improve blood circulation and help clear bacteria from the skin, thereby curbing acne.