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As We Age, Time Flies By Faster. Here’s Why.

Many people believe that 2022 passed by quickly; doesn’t it seem like it was just January? However, for some people, particularly kids, last year’s holidays could seem like an eternity ago.

There is a reason why you may feel like time has flown by today but seemed to move slowly when you were younger. According to experts, as we become older, our sense of time changes significantly, making some periods seem to pass rapidly.

Image Credit: Pexels/Anna Shvets

A week is a significant period of life for an 8-year-old. The fact that an 80-year-old person’s week represents a considerably smaller fraction of their life makes it seem to have passed more swiftly.

Impression Of Acceleration

This is influenced by looking back in time. A retired 80-year-old’s could seem to pass more slowly than a bustling 8-year-old’s does during the school day. The elderly person will, however, see that time as passing more quickly when they reflect on a month or a year.

There are several causes for this. The life of an 80-year-old person usually doesn’t look all that different from when they were 78 or 79; therefore, in that situation, they remember fewer occurrences.

In other words, when the days or weeks are similar, our brains tend to group time together.

Your daily changes may also have an impact on how quickly time passes.

Image Credit: Pexels/Pavel Danilyuk

Our Brains Keep Track Of Change.

Often, younger children think time is ample and that more activities can be squeezed into it due to their varied daily experiences. And so, time may seem slower.

Adults can also use this when we reflect on an era that was jam-packed with novel experiences. Time can seem to pass considerably more quickly if you’re not establishing new habits in your life.