
How Can I Increase My Breast Milk Storage Capacity?

Every parent has a unique experience with the complicated process of breastfeeding. The process of nursing a newborn might change over time and from baby to baby.

The nursing industry uses a lot of unfamiliar terminologies, which only serves to further complicate issues. “Breast milk storage capacity” is one phrase that frequently appears.

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What Is Breast Storage Capacity?

When breasts are fully inflated, the amount of milk in the breasts is said to have a storage capacity. The space in the glandular tissue where milk is produced, rather than the size of the breasts, determines this.

Breast storage capacity has nothing to do with breast size, so mothers with small breasts may have a higher capacity than mothers with larger breasts.

The amount of breast storage that each woman can store varies greatly. Additionally, it’s possible to have breasts with two different amounts of storage.

Can we increase Breast storage capacity?

Since it is physical, you cannot increase your storage capacity, but once more, this has nothing to do with the quantity of milk you make.

It’s interesting to observe that several specialists have heard anecdotal evidence of storage capacity growing with successive pregnancies.

With more pregnancies, some women experience a modest rise in milk production.

Image Credit: Shutterstock/aslysun

Breastfeeding Parents and this

Breastfeeding parents do not need to be concerned about breast storage capacity. Many parents feel increased pressure to produce even more milk and have a significant “stash” in their freezers due to the recent shortages of formula and advice from some nursing websites. Don’t try to “compensate” by nursing or pumping more than is necessary or worry about how much breast milk your breasts can store.