The internet has eliminated some personal habits that used to be time-consuming and fun. Perhaps you’d enjoy looking back at some of the habits and behaviors virtually eliminated by the internet if you’re feeling nostalgic.
We Rarely Use Physical Maps.
You wouldn’t think of taking a trip devoid of a Rand McNally road atlas or AAA map. Paper maps were indispensable in their day, and people collect them now. Map reading is being gradually eroded by apps today. A phone app is not a map; it is only a tool for finding your way around.

Image Credit: Pexels/cottonbro studio
we Rarely read encyclopedias
Information consumption has changed as a result of the internet. The use of indexes has changed in basic literacy practices. In my class, students do word searches rather than flipping pages to the back of the book to find information. Word searches have lost something in their ease.
Newspaper Circulations Are Plummeting
Since the beginning of the 21st century, circulation has been declining yearly. Many people prefer to read online newspapers over paper versions, and digital subscriptions are rising. Videos, sound bites, high-quality photos, and animations make newspapers better than their print counterparts.

Image Credit: Pexels/Hasan Albari
Gone are the “TV Appointment” days
During the rest of the year, TV networks used to rerun episodes of series or specials. Before VCRs, you had to be near your TV if you wanted to watch something. Missing something is never fun.
We Aren’t Writing Letters Much Anymore.
The internet has made our lives easier. In contrast to occasional contact, constant contact allows us to feel involved and experience supportive relationships as meaningful parts of our lives. Some people may be toxic, and social media’s constant contact isn’t always so beneficial.