
28 Insanely Useful Car Cleaning And Maintenance Hacks

Whether you just went on a long road trip or simply used your car to drive to work this week, chances are your four-wheeled wagon is a little dirty.  And let’s face it: people judge you based on how clean your car is.  The valet is more likely to pounce for the clean car than the clunker with months of grime layered on it. A clean car is an attractive car–and the quick fix is usually a ride through a pricey car wash.  Moreover, cleaning your car allows you to check its condition and potentially unearth more serious issues before they become a full-blown catastrophe.

While most people bite the bullet and hit an expensive $20+ car wash, you can easily achieve the same professional cleaning results with just the use of common household items and a little time.  Check out these 28 totally weird and insanely helpful car cleaning hacks!

Remove car decals and stickers using WD-40

Many people have a habit of putting stickers on their bumpers or anywhere in their car. Once they grow out of their stickers, it is hard to take them off because of the sticky glue used to adhere the sticker on to the car’s surface. Some people scrape off the sticker–including the paint–and this can your car unsightly or worse, your car might need a new paint job. So save all the trouble and effort by using a WD-40. How to use it? Spray some on the sticker, wait for it to soak for a few minutes, and then peel away! That’s it!

Make your own washer fluid

Commercial washer fluids do cost money. Further, they may contain chemicals that are harmful to both health and the environment. So instead of buying one, you can make your own washer fluid from ordinary household items. You only need at least 4 cups of water, two teaspoons of dishwashing detergent, and a tablespoon of baking soda. Mix everything and place in an empty bottle and spray away to remove the dirt and grime off your car. This DIY washer fluid works on any surface and since it is natural, it does not destroy fabric, leather, or paint.
