
28 Insanely Useful Car Cleaning And Maintenance Hacks

Handheld Ultraviolet Light Sanitizers

You’ve seen them for sale all over Facebook and the web during the ‘great quarantine’ of 2020, and we’re officially jumping on the bandwagon.  These little handheld ultraviolet lights have the ability to help sanitize surfaces of viruses, bacteria and pathogens.  When bacteria, viruses and protozoa are exposed to the germicidal wavelengths of UV light, they are rendered incapable of reproducing and infecting.  UV light wands are frequently used in hospitals, and now is a popular gadget to keep in your car.

There are a few different brands on the market, but the one we are liking is Mobile Klean.  It’s frequently in stock, fairly priced at about $39, super portable and feels sturdy and well-built.

As the quarantines and lockdowns slowly come to an end, and as we venture back into the world it will be increasingly important to sanitize surfaces such as your car, restaurant tables and even public restrooms.  The UV light emitted by Mobile Klean is safe on electronics, so we find ourselves blasting our iPhones with its sanitizing light multiple times a day.

**05/19/2024 Update: Due to Mobile Klean’s popularity and recent Facebook advertising campaign, they seem to be back-ordered a few weeks and the pre-order list is apparently growing very rapidly.  Here is a working link to order a Mobile Klean if you are interested.

Use Q-tips to clean the detailing

Cars often come with fine details that are hard to clean. If you want to create an on-point finish when cleaning your car, you can use a Q-tip to clean the tiny and narrow details of your car including logos and tiny vents. The thing is, Q-tips can fit anywhere as they are very small and absorbent. You can also use them to pick up excess cleaning products left from your clean-up in hard reach areas. And since Q-tips are cheap and come in big volume, you can never run out of cleaning materials for your car.

Use clear polish to temporarily fix tiny cracks on your window

When you are driving your car, there are chances that tiny pebbles may hit your windows causing it to produce microscopic cracks. The cracks, albeit tiny, can grow eventually and may shatter the windshield. How to fix this from getting bigger? Always keep a small bottle of clear nail polish in your car. A nail polish is an indispensable tool to temporarily fix tiny cracks on your car window. The nail polish will dry out and create a protective film so that the crack will not grow. This gives you time to safely arrive in your garage without fearing for your window shattering.
