
You Probably Should Change Your Home’s HVAC Filter Right Now

You probably forget to change the filter on your HVAC system. You might not even know you need to do this. It’s a critical item to replace. Modern homes have an HVAC filter that keeps the air clean. Since indoor air is often polluted, the University of Rochester Medical Center reports that it can cause health issues.

It’s more important than ever to ensure your home is filled with clean, fresh air this winter as the flu, COVID-19, and RSV are rampant. To prevent the virus spread, you must replace your HVAC filter at specific intervals. The filter can remove pet dander, seasonal allergens, dust, and viruses.

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Good Air Filtration Reduces Toxins.

According to Dr. Mark Loafman of Cook County Health in Chicago, indoor air quality is essential for health, well-being, and quality of life. HVAC filters are the only source of air cleaning. HVAC systems push through contaminated air over and over without an air filter. It’s virus season right now.

Air quality is essential in restaurants, at home, and on airplanes. Loafman learned from COVID-19 that virus-containing droplets stay in the air for a while. Loafman also recommends using an HVAC filter to prevent virus spread.

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The HVAC Filters Air Particles At Home

Air filters must be free of previously collected dust and particles to clean the air properly. Filters are rated on a minimum efficiency reporting value or MERV based on the size of particles they can capture. The United States Environmental Protection Agency recommends filters that capture smaller particles.

Filters with a higher MERV rating catch smaller particles. The EPA says filters can capture particles between 0.3 and 10 microns. An infected person’s virus droplets linger for minutes after leaving their system, according to one study. Experts recommend MERV 13 for homes. EPA recommends changing your filter every 60 – 90 days.