A repeated habit, long computer days, or pollen-filled air? Experts say rubbing our eyes too much isn’t good, no matter the reason. According to plastic surgery nurse Tara Adashev, “the skin under your eyes is the thinnest on your body. It is similar to what would happen if you aggressively rubbed rose petals.” If you rub more than twice a day, you’re doing too much, says dermatologist Nava Greenfield.

Image Credit: Pexels/Karolina Grabowska
Why Are My Eyes So Itchy?
Several medical conditions can cause rubbing, according to experts. Dermatologist Dr. Karyn Grossman said dry eyes can be to blame. If you rub your eyes, they may produce more tears, but add some lubricating eye drops throughout the day to avoid frequent rubbing, or schedule an eye exam and prescription treatment with your ophthalmologist.”
Allergies can also play a role. Allergies can cause itchy eyes, causing people to rub, which further causes more itching. Greenfield recommended a medical consultation if itchiness is driving you crazy. It is sometimes necessary to apply a topical steroid to reduce the itch sensation, thus preventing the impulse to scratch. “Antihistamines can also control itching.”
What Eye Rubbing Can Do To Your Skin
You should avoid rubbing your eyes because it can harm your health and appearance. Consequences of the habit include:
- Bloodshot eyes
- Dark circles
- Wrinkles
- Corneal damage
- Infection risk

Image Credit: Pexels/Yan Krukau
Listen To The Experts
- Follow your dermatologist’s advice when applying skin products.
- Applying makeup or inserting contact lenses doesn’t cause negative effects on the eyes.
- There’s no need to worry about permanent swelling and redness around the eyes when you wear swim goggles.
How To Break The Habit
- Being more mindful
- Cognitive behavioral feedback techniques can help with this
- Wear your contacts for a while if you rub your eyes often
- Avoid washcloths when applying cleanser – use your hands