Period blood color, like pee smell, can indicate potential health problems. Period blood changes from bright red to dark red throughout your period, says Dr. Jessica Shepherd, an OB-GYN and medical adviser at O Positiv. It’s also possible for your period blood to change color. Gynecologists tell us which colors of period blood aren’t a concern and which aren’t.

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Dark Red, Brown, Or Black
If you haven’t changed your pad or tampon for a while, you might notice the blood is darker. At the tail end of the cycle, oxidation turns blood a darker color. The darker the blood, the older it is,” Dr. Alyssa Dweck, a gynecologist and medical expert for LELO, said.
Blood is generally darker as it gets older. Besides being a sign of older blood, black period blood could also indicate a vaginal blockage accompanied by a fever, smelly discharge, and swelling.
Light Pink
You might want to run some tests at the doctor if your period blood is light pink. “Very light pink, with a watery texture, may be associated with low blood count or iron,” Dweck said. “This usually occurs with the chronic and excessive flow or with an iron-poor diet.” In addition to significant weight loss, period blood mixed with cervical fluid can result in light pink color.

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Gray Or Green
“Gray or greenish hues might indicate infection; odor, itching, irritation, and irritation may accompany the color,” Dweck said. “Red is considered the best color,” he said. Your doctor can diagnose and treat bacterial vaginosis if your period blood is gray.