
What Not To Do As An Overnight Guest In Someone’s House

Staying at a friend’s or family member’s house can be enjoyable and soothing. But that doesn’t mean that, as an overnight visitor, you can act in any way you choose.

Being rude in someone else’s space is not just disrespectful; it can determine whether you get invited back or have to pay for an expensive hotel next time.

Image Credit: Pexels/Monstera Production

Excessively Occupying Space

Avoid occupying too much room or interfering with the household’s normal operation when you are a guest.

If you are visiting, bring only the essentials and take care of your hotel room as you would your own. Grab the damp towels. Without a coaster, never set a glass on the nightstand. Also, be mindful of your water and electrical usage.

Not Providing A Break To Your Host

During the day, give your host some time to themselves.

“Go take a nap in your room, read a book, or go for a long stroll.” Better yet, spend the day sightseeing. Invite the host, but make sure you give them a chance to say no, so they don’t feel pressured to come out.

Image Credit: Pexels/Nicole Michalou

Expecting Car Access

There should be no implication that access to their vehicle is included when someone agrees to let you stay at their home. You shouldn’t count on borrowing it unless they offer it.

Take an Uber or rent a vehicle yourself. Don’t count on getting your host’s car while you’re visiting.

Parenting Interference

You should make every effort to respect the host’s time, property, and family rules as you are the visitor. In other words, they shouldn’t correct their kids or give them unwanted parenting advice.

If they want you to watch their child at any point throughout your visit, please do it politely and without going too far, like disciplining them your way.