Do you have 23,764 or 0 unread emails? This question can be used to classify the two different types of people that exist in the world.
But what does it reveal about each sort of person when you go into the psychology behind these behaviors? What if your preferred approach is giving you issues, such as friends getting upset that you’re not responding to them sooner or, on the other hand, annoyed that you’re hooked to your screen?

Image Credit: Shutterstock/NicoElNino
An Introvert Or Suffer From Social Anxiety.
You can be an introvert or have nervousness while speaking to people, even on the phone. People who receive notifications may feel pressured to respond, overthink what was said or what they should say in response, and feel as if their “social battery” is low.
You’re A Perfectionist.
Shame could also be a factor if you have high standards for yourself. If you don’t answer immediately, people might assume you’re a “poor friend” or “bad employee.” Self-critical, anxious persons tend to blame themselves or view situations through the prism of failure if they don’t live up to the inflated expectations they have for themselves. Though perhaps not most healthily or beneficially, the perfectionist aspect of anxiety can encourage people to complete tasks.

Image Credit: Shutterstock/NicoElNino
You Suffer From OCD.
OCD tendencies are characterized by recurring patterns of uncomfortable thoughts or anxieties that motivate repetitive activities. Unread notifications and cluttered phone screens might be difficult for someone with OCD. More especially, the order and symmetry subtype of OCD are other probable causes. The order and symmetry subtype is when there is a compulsion and fixation with items being ‘exactly so,’ according to research. It is different from the contamination subtype, which entails concern surrounding illness and germs.