
The Rudest Things You Can Do At The Beach

Beach days can be a blast. However, your fellow beachgoers can ruin the fun. Etiquette is about being considerate of others, including others at the beach, Nick Leighton, an etiquette expert and co-host of the “Were You Raised by Wolves?” podcast, told HuffPost.

Even though you are not alone, your behavior affects other people. Etiquette expert Leighton says you should avoid several beach faux pas to make beach days more enjoyable for you and others. These are a few of them.

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Encroaching Others’ Space

Jodi R.R. Smith, president of Mannersmith Etiquette Consulting, suggested finding a spot at least three paces away from others’ belongings. “It’s about giving others a bit of personal space. Towels should be separated enough for beachgoers to walk between them without kicking up sand.”

To prevent kicking up sand or otherwise disrupting other people’s beach time, be extra careful as you walk by if the beach is too crowded.

The Protocol School of Texas founder and etiquette expert Diane Gottsman says: “Don’t assume people want to talk. Pay attention to their body language. They want to be left alone, so they put their earbuds in.”

Image Credit: Pexels/Anastasia Shuraeva

Blocking Views

Set your area up with consideration for those behind you. For many beachgoers, comfort is essential. Providing it doesn’t interfere with others’ fun, it’s okay. Umbrellas and tents shouldn’t block the view of other people. Consider others when choosing your beach spot.

Ignoring Smoking Etiquette

If you smoke at the beach, be mindful of those around you. Pay attention to where you smoke and what you do afterward. Make sure you dispose of your butts properly. Ingesting cigarette bits buried in sand can be quite dangerous for birds, dogs, and children. Smith said you’ll have to walk down the beach if you want to smoke at a beach that still allows smoking.