
The Most Common Problems Dentists Are Seeing As A Result Of The Pandemic

When the COVID pandemic was at its worst, many people avoided going to the dentist unless there was an actual emergency (in fact, this is still the case for many). More specifically, being afraid of removing their mask to go to their appointment.

However, the situation has improved now that we have booster shots. However, they frequently present issues resulting from neglected dental cleanings and exams.

Image Credit: Pexels/Anna Shvets

Teeth Grinding

One of the main issues that dentists have recently encountered is this one.

The enamel is damaged, and the tooth develops vertical or horizontal fractions when you clench or grind your teeth.

It’s crucial to treat the grinding itself rather than just the side effects, including tooth fractures.

A mouthguard, Botox, and having a healthy stress management strategy are all possible treatments for teeth grinding.


Cavities are occurring at a larger frequency, a large part of which is due to people’s changing lifestyles. The adjustment brought on by the pandemic involves spending more time at home with full access to your pantry and refrigerator.

This lifestyle change is causing a rise in dental decay since many people consume sugary foods and beverages more frequently.

Image Credit: Pexels/Anna Shvets

Missing Teeth

Missing teeth can be caused by a number of untreated conditions and is one of the most common problems in older individuals.

Surprisingly, the prevalence of missing teeth is higher than you might think. According to the International Dental Implant Association, nearly 40 million Americans are missing either their top or bottom teeth.

Even one missing tooth might lead to more serious issues, such as damage to the teeth nearby. It may eventually result in even more tooth loss.