
Signs You Can Spot At A Wedding That A Marriage Will End In Divorce

Everyone who decides to tie the knot with their other half believes this will last forever. A wedding, a white dress, and promises of being together “til death do us part.” However, many couples still end up divorcing and wondering what they did wrong and why their marriage ended as a temporary relationship instead of a lifelong commitment. Was this relationship doomed from the start? Did I do something to destroy the love? Here’s how you can tell if you and your spouse are headed for divorce.

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You Feel Lonely

A lack of communication walls off the partners. Feeling abandoned and lonely is natural when one of them is emotionally distant and finds excuses not to be together. As a result, this leads to solitude and evasion. You don’t have to put up with your partner neglecting you or spending less time together if you constantly feel lonely. Misunderstandings happen.

They may need your support due to an external situation. Your spouse doesn’t communicate his or her loneliness to you. Talk! Would they also feel lonely if they were embarrassed to talk about it? It could be solved with an open conversation. Communication breakdowns and a refusal to respond to your contact attempts may be signs that your partner is breaking up with you – mentally, then physically.

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Your Relationship Is Contemptuous.

John Lennon once sang, ‘Love is all you need. The problem is not as simple as this, say psychologists and family counselors. Marriage requires so much more. It is the foundation of a healthy relationship where both partners are treated as valuable and significant family members. Respect is one of them.

A healthy family is free of rejection and contempt. Every member of the marriage should feel safe and calm. Contemptuous attitudes poison marriage. It just creates resentment and pain, destroying intimacy and love.