Asking about parental leave during a job interview can be essential for job seekers expecting a child or planning to start a family. However, broaching the topic can be sensitive, and it’s necessary to approach it professionally and respectfully. Here are some tips on how to ask about a company’s parental leave policies during a job interview.
Do Your Research
Before the interview, research the company’s policies regarding parental leave. Check their website, social media, or employee handbook to see if they have any information available. It can give you an idea of what to expect and help you frame your questions more effectively.

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Choose Your Moment
Timing is vital when it comes to asking about parental leave. You don’t want to bring it up too early in the interview process and risk being perceived as more interested in your personal life than the job. However, you also don’t want to wait until the end of the interview when you may not have enough time to ask all of your questions. A good time to bring it up is after discussing the job responsibilities and before discussing salary and benefits.
Phrase Your Question Carefully
The question of parental leave must be phrased carefully to avoid appearing accusatory or aggressive. For example, instead of asking, “Do you offer enough paid time off for new parents?” you could ask, “Can you tell me about the company’s parental leave policies?”

Image Credit: Shutterstock/Michal Kowalski
Be Prepared To Listen
After you ask your question, be prepared to listen to the interviewer’s response. They may provide a detailed overview of the company’s policies or refer you to the human resources department for more information. In any case, ensure you’re actively listening and taking notes if necessary.
It can be delicate to ask about parental leave policies during a job interview. By doing your research, choosing the right moment, phrasing your question carefully, and being prepared to listen, you can approach the topic professionally and respectfully. Good luck with your job search!