Air Force One Has Two Restaurants On Board
There are essentially two restaurants aboard Air Force One – well, they’re two massive kitchens that always have food available. The president and his guests can have anything they desire Air Force one is staffed with top rated chefs, and each kitchen holds up to 100 people. That’s pretty big!
Phones Are Everywhere
Air Force One has over 85 phones. But why? Well, it’s the most secure place the president can talk, even over the White House. The Airborne Executive Phone has a light on the back that lights up red when secure. There are dozens of less secure lines aboard for the press and staff that travel with the president.
There Are Super Spy Cameras In The Wheel Wells
In 1959, President Eisenhower instructed Allen Dulles, the Director of Central Intelligence at the time, to install cameras in the wheel wells of Air Force One. These cameras were so powerful that even in 1959 they could read license plates from the sky. No matter the reason for the installation, you can’t deny how unbelievable that is! It it continued to be believed by aviation experts that updated sky-to-ground camera tech continues be in use in various locations on the underbelly of the aircraft, including the wheel wells.

Photo Credit: WireImage