
Ensure A Pleasant Flight By Staying Hydrated During Travel

A few well-known factors can worsen air travel. These include forgetting snacks (as airlines offer limited options), sitting near the restroom in the back row, and neglecting compression socks. However, we often overlook the issue of dehydration during flights. Due to expensive bottled water at the airport and the unpleasantness of airplane bathrooms, many people consume less water than usual while flying.

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Neglecting proper hydration during air travel is a mistake due to the unique conditions in airplane cabins. The cooler, drier air, and lower pressures result in higher moisture loss from the body. Prolonged sitting further affects fluid balance, potentially increasing fluid loss. So, how does dehydration impact your travel experience, and how can you stay hydrated? Here’s what you need to know.

The Significance Of Hydration During Air


Proper hydration is vital as our bodies contain 55-60% water. Dehydration can cause dizziness, fatigue, increased heart rate, and confusion. It can worsen anxiety, affect digestion, and contribute to constipation. Avoiding dehydration is crucial for a pleasant travel experience.

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Tips To Stay Hydrated While Traveling

To stay hydrated without frequent bathroom visits, Maggie Michalczyk, a registered dietitian and founder of Once Upon a Pumpkin, recommends focusing on electrolytes. Adding electrolyte powders or tablets to your water helps replenish essential minerals lost through sweating and maintains hydration levels. Michalczyk suggests coconut water as another option for electrolyte replenishment. Avoiding caffeinated and alcoholic beverages at the airport and on the plane is advised since they increase the need to urinate and contribute to dehydration. Additionally, consuming foods with high water content can aid in hydration.