A toxic social media presence can be seen at any time of the year. Your feed likely includes holiday parties, cookie exchanges, and envious vacations because people tend to post the good moments online. With the holidays around the corner, platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter can feel particularly annoying.
It can be draining to see others’ happy moments constantly. It’s easy to compare yourself to others on social media. Take a social media break over the holidays for these reasons:

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The Use Of Social Media Can Damage Self-
There are some positives to social media. Saniya Tabani, a clinical psychologist, says it can boost education, expose people to new perspectives, and create affirming environments for marginalized groups. Online comparisons are inherently rooted in social media since we tend to see others’ rosiest lives posted online. Tabani says you may even spend more money on clothes and vacations due to the lifestyles you see online. Social media can also be addictive.
It’s Good To Take Social Media Vacations
Taking a brief break from social media might seem too daunting to deactivate your accounts or erase your online presence. Social media breaks can enhance well-being even for a short time. Jeffrery Lambert, a psychologist, says there are a few compelling reasons to step away from your online networks. Lambert said taking a break could allow you to do other productive things.” “Some people might also take a break from social media to stop comparing themselves.”

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Here’s How To Ease Off Social Media
Don’t use social media as much if you’re not ready for a one-week break. Tabani suggests reducing your social media time each day. The patients often report a decrease in anxiety and depression and an increase in confidence and motivation. Tabani recommends deleting all your social media apps or moving them off your phone’s home screen and silencing notifications to manage your time on social media.