With summer travel season approaching, whether parents should pick up after their kids on planes have become a hot debate. On the one hand, the parent’s responsibility is to ensure their child doesn’t create a mess for others to clean up. On the other hand, it’s the flight attendant’s job to maintain the cleanliness of the cabin. So, what’s the correct answer?

Image Credit: Pexels/Sabrina Schaller & Pexels/Oleksandr P
According to flight attendants, the answer is a bit of both. While parents should try to pick up after their children, flight attendants are also there to help clean up any messes. However, flight attendants are not there to be personal nannies or babysitters for children.
Parents need to remember that flight attendants have many duties to attend to during a flight, and cleaning up after a child is just one of them. Flight attendants must listen to safety issues, serve food and drinks, and ensure the overall comfort of all passengers.
If a child makes a mess on the plane, parents must take responsibility and clean up after their child as much as possible. It means wiping down surfaces, picking up trash, and ensuring the area is left as clean as possible. However, if a parent is struggling to clean up after their child or the mess is too large, they should not hesitate to ask a flight attendant for help.

Image Credit: Shutterstock/Olesia Bilkei
Ultimately, parents need to be mindful of their child’s behavior on a plane and do their best to keep the cabin clean. While flight attendants are there to assist with any messes, it’s not their sole responsibility to clean up after a child. Parents and flight attendants can ensure a comfortable and clean flight for all passengers by working together.