
What Italian Cooks Think Is The Right Way To Cook Pasta

Pasta is a staple of Italian cuisine and is enjoyed around the world. However, many people make the mistake of overcooking or undercooking their pasta, resulting in a subpar meal. To help you cook the perfect pasta, we’ve gathered insights from Italian cooks on the right and wrong ways to cook pasta.

Image Credit: Shutterstock/Anton Chernov

The Right Way to Cook Pasta

  1. Use A Large Pot: The pot should be large enough to hold the pasta comfortably, with plenty of water for the pasta to swim in. The rule of thumb is to use 4-6 quarts of water for every pound of pasta.
  2. Salt The Water: Add a generous amount of salt to the water before bringing it to a boil. Italians often say the water should taste like the sea.
  3. Don’t Add Oil: Some people add oil to the water to prevent the pasta from sticking, but this is unnecessary. The pasta won’t stick if you use enough water and stir it occasionally.
  4. Cook Al Dente: This means “to the tooth” in Italian and refers to pasta cooked just until it is tender but still slightly firm to the bite. Check the pasta for doneness a few minutes before the suggested cooking time on the package.
  5. Save Some Pasta Water: Before draining the pasta, save some starchy cooking water. It can thicken the sauce and helps it adhere to the pasta.

Image Credit: Shutterstock/Timolina

Enjoy your delicious Italian pasta! By following these tips, you can cook perfect pasta every time. Remember, the key is to use plenty of water, salt it generously, and cook it al dente. And don’t forget to save some of the starchy cooking water to enhance your sauce.