
The Best Nighttime Skin Care Routine For Every Decade Of Life, From Your 20s To 80s

What does “nighttime routine” mean to you? You may love it if you’re a skincare enthusiast. From your 20s to your 80s, here are the perfect nighttime routine. The skin is our largest organ. Age, environmental factors, and lifestyle changes affect it.

Use these routines as a guideline for where you are in your life, but they are not universal. To support the skin’s needs, it’s vital to distinguish between products that are suitable for those in their 20-s and those that aren’t. A tip for all your skincare routines: Be gentle and consistent.

Image Credit: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

20s And 30s

In your 20s, brighten your skin by incorporating retinoids. Sunburns, even those from childhood, can contribute to long-term skin cancer risk, so start using sunscreen early and stick with it long-term. In your 30s, switch to retinaldehyde. Use it two to three times a week. Dry or sensitive skin may benefit from moisturizer before retinoids

40s And 50s

Your 40s are a good time to invest in collagen replenishment. You can remove dead skin from the skin’s surface with exfoliating products. Exfoliate once or twice a week, and don’t exfoliate on retinoid nights. Our 50s are when we notice jowls and textural changes in the neck. So use a neck cream, peptides, growth factors, and antioxidants.

Image Credit: Pexels/Sora Shimazaki

60s And 70s

The 60s is a good time for products and serums that reduce pigmentation and brown spots. Azelaic acid, tranexamic acid, kojic acid, and niacinamide are ingredients you should consider. Sunscreen in the morning and retinoids are essential. Use topical moisturizers to help replenish the skin’s moisture in your 70s. If the skin feels too dry, adjust the frequency of exfoliation and strength of retinoid use.


At this stage, hydration is crucial. As well as humectants and firming peptides, dermatologists recommend ingredients such as hyaluronic acid or glycerin.