
Why Is My Boyfriend’s Skin Better Than Mine?

Do men’s and women’s skins differ? Dr. Anita Sturnham, GP specializing in Dermatology and consultant for pH-balanced skincare brand, Sebamed, shares her insight into how male and female skin differs. Skin changes as you age. Your skin will become drier, less elastic, and less plump with age. It will also lose its smoothness and tightness.

Every year, men and women lose approximately 1%-1.5% of collagen. Women, however, lose 2-2.5% per year in the five years leading up to and after menopause. As men age, they lose collagen more slowly. As the skin ages, they create a denser, stronger network of fibers, making it harder for them to degrade and break down. This might explain why your boyfriend has better skin without trying.

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However, some people seem immune to acne, fine lines, or flaky skin. Some might argue that people who want to “fix” their skin are more likely to buy skin care products, but which came first? Product or pimple? Involvement puts you at risk of overusing products, not giving them enough time, or following too many trends.

Board-certified dermatologist Corey L. Hartman of Skin Wellness Dermatology in Birmingham, Alabama, said that wouldn’t happen if you don’t take care of your skin. During most patient consultations, board-certified dermatologist Jennifer MacGregor sees this phenomenon.

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Despite appearances, it’s not just a women’s issue. People often spend a lot of money on marketing without realizing what ingredients will work. MacGregor said women generally seek information about their skin and treatments. As a result, they may try products that may not suit their skin type.

Our microbiome is affected by hormones, sebaceous glands, and oil production. Some women’s hormones change throughout the month, but they can sometimes affect the look of their skin. Taking birth control or pregnancy can cause changes in those hormones and menopause. Avoid trends and help your skin by evaluating its needs.