You can start preventing premature aging simply by washing your face daily. “Cleaning the skin is an imperative step in protecting it,” said dermatologist Arianne Shadi Kourosh. Urban dwellers are often exposed to radiation from screens and the sun, pollution, and chemicals in the air.
As a result, wrinkles and dark spots may appear prematurely on the skin. The removal of toxic and irritating chemicals requires a thorough cleansing regimen. Therefore, antioxidant serums can help absorb damage and protect the skin.

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Putting fancy skin care products on your face will do no good if you don’t clean it first. Without washing, your skin would be covered in dirt and grime, preventing other products from penetrating effectively.
Feeling Squeaky Clean Is A No-No
Knowing what to aim for after washing might help. Dermatologist Jennifer David said that the squeaky, tight feeling is not good. “It’s a sign of stripped lipids and oils. It should feel fresh, not tight.” Rather than squeaky clean, your skin should feel soft and hydrated after washing.
Why Wash Your Face Twice A Day
“People should wash their faces twice daily, in the morning and evening,” said dermatologist Jeannette Graf. Rewash your face in the morning as toxins are on the skin’s surface because it turns over cells at night.

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David suggested splashing some water on your face in the morning if dehydrated. She cautioned, however, to watch the temperature. Hot water dissolves your skin’s natural oils, causing long-term dryness.
Take It Easy On The Temperature
“Moderation is the key,” Kourosh said. Avoid harsh scrubs or scrubbing, and use lukewarm or cool water instead. Cold water closes your pores, but warm water opens them,” Zeichner said. “Pores do not have muscles, nor do they open and close like windows. Blood vessels dilate in hot water, causing flushing and worsening conditions like rosacea.”