
Do You Really Have To Cut Out Dairy If You Want Clear Skin? Here’s What Experts Say

What impact do our diet and drinking have on our skin? Howard University dermatologist Cheri Frey says we wouldn’t question whether or not what we eat affects our liver or kidneys. Therefore, why do we question if it affects our skin? “As the largest organ in the body, the skin certainly has an impact,” she said.

Dairy is associated with strong, healthy bones. Some people also associate dairy with acne concerns. Therefore, milk may affect your complexion. The impact of milk and dairy on breakouts is explained here.

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Does Milk Cause Break Outs?

Yes, but the extent is unknown. Frey says that population-wide studies on foods are challenging to conduct. Food is processed differently by everyone. Drinking milk may cause acne breakouts, although data is limited.

The OU College of Medicine’s Dr. Susan Massick says you shouldn’t worry about the occasional glass of milk. She said milk products are more likely to cause weight gain if consumed consistently.

It Could Be The Milk Hormones.

Milk and acne are not 100% linked, according to Massick. Cow’s milk hormones may cause acne, according to some studies. Massick said cow’s milk contains naturally occurring and synthetic hormones, like insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1). Frey’s assertion further strengthens a potential link between milk hormones and acne that most acne is hormonal (which is why acne starts around puberty).

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Not All Dairy Products Cause Breakouts.

The good news is that not all dairy causes acne, say Frey and Massick. Generally, acne breakouts associated with dairy products are caused by cow’s milk. On the other hand, yogurt and cheese don’t cause acne breakouts.

Natural hormone IGF-1 levels are lower in fermented dairy products. The fermentation process in yogurt may be responsible for this, according to one study. Yogurt and granola for breakfast won’t cause pimples. If you’re getting pimples, avoiding milk completely won’t completely stop them.