
The Worst Skin Care Habits That Dermatologists Wish You’d Stop

A whole story could be written about TikTok skincare trends since so many of them exist. Patients try even crazier trends when professionals think they’ve seen it all. Try these tips when you’re trying new products.

Don’t Overexfoliate

A little exfoliation is considered good, but a lot can damage the skin barrier, causing inflammation, redness, burning, stinging, flaking, dryness, and breakouts. Dead skin cells can be removed from the skin’s surface by exfoliation once or twice a week. When done five or seven times a week, it can cause irritation and inflammation.

Image Credit: Shutterstock/james benjamin

Clean Your Phone, Pillowcase, And Masks

Some patients overclean, while others ignore the most germ-infested parts of their lives. Be sure to clean your makeup brushes regularly, as bacteria thrive on them. Using a dirty brush on your face can cause acne and infection.

Start Taking Shorter Showers

When you step out of the shower or tub, pat your skin dry before applying a dermatologist-recommended moisturizer to prevent excessive drying.

Stop Using Expired Products

Using products past their sell-by date may cause irritation or ineffectiveness.

Image Credit: Shutterstock/Iryna Imago

Stop Sleeping On Your Side

Sleeping on your side will aggravate chest wrinkles and cause your face and décolleté to sag.

Stop Tanning

Per dermatologist Hadley King, patients believe tanning is okay if they wear sunscreen. It’s impossible to have a healthy tan, she said. Skin cancer and premature skin aging are linked to DNA damage caused by ultraviolet radiation.

Stop Dealing With Moles At Home

Dermatologist Brian Hibler has seen patients with spots and scars after removing moles and other growths at home. In most cases, these treatments burn the skin to remove the growth, causing scarring and infection. The patient may not have removed all cancerous cells if it were skin cancer, and cancer may reoccur or grow under the skin.