
How To Extend Your Weekends

Weekends are never enough. You can take advantage of the time off work to make your weekends more fulfilling, though there isn’t a magic way to extend them. Leisure time passes much faster than working days, whether it’s a two-day weekend or an extended (but, somehow, still short) three-day weekend.

Weekends are even more important than you think, says Dr. Mike Sevilla of the Family Practice Center of Salem in Ohio. According to Dr. Mike Sevilla, a family physician at the Family Practice Center of Salem in Ohio, people need time to relax and recharge after a long work week.

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Organizational psychologists describe recovery as replenishing resources depleted by work – just like athletes after strenuous workouts. Professor Tracy Dumas from the Ohio State University says, “any break from work, whether it’s vacations, weekends, or even after work in the evening, is essential for recovery.” Get the most out of your recovery days here:

Put Work Away

Work during the week, not on weekends. Sevilla advises furthering your distance from work during the weekend. You could spend more time with family or friends if you didn’t worry about work. Keep work out of sight and out of mind to extend the weekend.

Put away your work laptop and turn off your work phone so you don’t think about a looming deadline while cuddling up.

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Balance Going Out And Resting

Dumas says, “rest is essential, but staying in bed all weekend isn’t as productive.” If you rest all weekend, time truly flies by – when was the last time you slept for two hours? Combining rest with enjoyable or stimulating activities will help you feel at your best.

You will gain more energy by engaging in mastery activities. As a result of your weekend activity, you’ll be in a better mood and have more energy to go to work on Monday, Dumas said.