
What The Color Of Your Period Blood Means, According To Gynecologists

Period blood color, like pee smell, can indicate potential health problems. Period blood changes from bright red to dark red throughout your period, says Dr. Jessica Shepherd, an OB-GYN and medical adviser at O Positiv. It’s also possible for your period blood to change color. Gynecologists tell us which colors of period blood aren’t a concern and which aren’t.

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Dark Red, Brown, Or Black

If you haven’t changed your pad or tampon for a while, you might notice the blood is darker. At the tail end of the cycle, oxidation turns blood a darker color. The darker the blood, the older it is,” Dr. Alyssa Dweck, a gynecologist and medical expert for LELO, said.

Blood is generally darker as it gets older. Besides being a sign of older blood, black period blood could also indicate a vaginal blockage accompanied by a fever, smelly discharge, and swelling.

Light Pink

You might want to run some tests at the doctor if your period blood is light pink. “Very light pink, with a watery texture, may be associated with low blood count or iron,” Dweck said. “This usually occurs with the chronic and excessive flow or with an iron-poor diet.” In addition to significant weight loss, period blood mixed with cervical fluid can result in light pink color.

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Gray Or Green

“Gray or greenish hues might indicate infection; odor, itching, irritation, and irritation may accompany the color,” Dweck said. “Red is considered the best color,” he said. Your doctor can diagnose and treat bacterial vaginosis if your period blood is gray.